These websites are amazing, once you start running races all the results and stats on your times come up on the following websites. Following them on twitter helps too !!!
Suggested Twitter If you go onto my twitter you can see who I am following, I strongly recommend all of them for info on running and just good general info on health etc.
Garry Wilkinson Personal Training This business really has it all. Physiotherapy,training advice, organised mountain walks and a reassurance that Gary has forgotten more than most of us know about running.
Each year I will donate a percentage of my profits to a different charity.
This year in honour of my Grandma (Joan Mary Lloyd) I am donating to Dr Kershaw’s Hospice.
This is a very worthy charity and offers amazing facilities and respite for both patients and families
dealing with Cancer and the effects of the illness.
Collection buckets may also be placed at the different events to ask for
further loose change to help with their funds.